PC Tools ThreatFire

PC Tools ThreatFire
Detect malicious computer activity

PCs are under constant attack from viruses, spyware and identfy theft. Every day you hear about a new threat to your PC. They're coming faster than ever before, they're getting harder to stop and traditional antivirus products are not able to keep up.

Will your antivirus software catch the latest malware that just came out today? In most cases, no, because it simply does not know how to detect it yet. But ThreatFire's ActiveDefense technology does, and has proven to provide up to 243% more protection when combined with traditional AntiVirus products. See the table below.

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About Author:

Evilbot is a young Information System Security Hacker. Evilbot investigates security holes and solves them, and also giving classes about Hacking.

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